Vet Clinic Appointment Hours
Monday thru Thursday 8:00am to 5:00pm
Please call us at 828-586-3300 to schedule an appointment.
Smoky Mountain Integrative Veterinary Clinic, also known as Shearer Pet Health, accepts referrals from all veterinarians with patients in need of rehabilitation or hospice care.
Shearer Pet Health Services
1054 Haywood Road
Sylva, North Carolina 28779 United States
Phone: (828)586-3300
We are located 0.4 mile off 441 at 1054 Haywood Road. Turn west at the Huddle House in Dillsboro. You will be traveling away from the village of Dillsboro. We are located in an office complex on the right before you get to the recycling center.
Dr. Shearer’s specialized veterinary services & extensive experience attracts clients from across the Southeast.
Dr. Shearer is renowned for her skilled medical care internationally as well as in the United States. Clients are travel to her specialty vet clinic in Western North Carolina from North Carolina areas like Sylva, Asheville and Raleigh NC. They also come from as far away as Atlanta, GA, Huntsville AL, Knoxville TN and many places in Florida for consultations and treatment.

After Hour Emergencies
- If you have been referred to Dr. Shearer by another veterinarian, please try to contact that doctor.
- If you are a client of Dr. Shearer’s and if you have an emergency after hours, please call REACH at (828) 665-4399 or Haywood Animal Emergency Hospital in Waynesville at (828)452-1478
- Dr. Shearer’s cell phone number is (614) 565-8157 and may be available for help.
Urgent Daytime Need When Dr. Shearer Is Unavailable
- If you have been referred to Dr. Shearer by another veterinarian, please try to contact that doctor.
- Try one of these preferred hospitals for daytime appointment availability:
Sylva Animal Hospital (828) 586-8587
Jackson County Animal Hospital (828) 586-8383
Animal hospital of Waynesville (828)456-9755
REACH Asheville 24/7 (828) 665-4399